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Engleză make sure that all children and adults using the...
make sure that all children and adults using the setting have information about the health safty and security procedures relevant to them

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Lituaniană Ä®sitikink, kad visi vaikai ir suaugusieji naudojantys...
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Engleză review and revise your health
review and revise your health,safty and security procedures in line with changing circumstances and requirements,and to make improvements

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Lituaniană Pasitikrink ir pataisyk savo sveikatÄ…
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Engleză Scotland sea
Wales is to the west of England. It has very beautiful Cumbrian mountains. Cardiff is the largest city and the capital of Wales. The welsh people are famous for their good voices. Every year they have a national festival. People wear national costumes and have competitions in Welsh music, singing and art.
I edited "beutiful" with "beautiful", and "yer" with "year"(04/07/francky)

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Lituaniană Å vedijos jÅ«ra
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză The himalayas in Asia is the highest mountain...
The himalayas in Asia is the highest mountain range in the world. It is 2,400 km long and 200km wide.

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Lituaniană Himalajai Azijoje yra aukščiausia kalnų...
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Engleză A heart attack occurs when an artery supplying...
A heart attack occurs when an artery supplying your heart with blood and oxygen becomes blocked. This loss of blood flow injures your heart muscle. A heart attack generally causes chest pain for more than 15 minutes, but it can also be "silent" and have no symptoms at all.

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Lituaniană Å irdies priepuolis gali iÅ¡tikti kai arterijos, aprÅ«pinančios...
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Lituaniană benamystÄ—
Lietuvoje benamystės problematika iškilo tik prieš 16 metų. Sovietmečiu benamystė kaip socialinis reiškinys nebuvo oficialiai pripažįstama.
Atkūrus nepriklausomybę socialinės piramidės apačioje atsidūrė skurdžiausi gyventojų sluoksniai, kuriems priklauso ir benamiai. Benamiais gali būti laikomi žmonės, neturintys nuolatinės gyvenamosios vietos arba laikinai negalintys ja naudotis, nakvojantys atsitiktinėse vietose arba laikino apgyvendinimo įstaigose, neturintys lėšų būstui nusipirkti arba išsinuomoti.

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Engleză homelessness